1. Do I have to be in the Corps of Cadets to be in the Aggie Band?
Yes you do. Go to http://corps.tamu.edu/ for more information.
2. What about auditions for the Aggie Bands?
See our Auditions Information
3. Can I be in the Aggie Band and another band?
Yes. Membership in a concert ensemble or jazz band is open to (but not required of) members of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band.
4. Are instruments available for me to use?
Yes. We encourage you to use your own instrument but certain instruments are provided when needed.
5. Is there a military obligation after college if I am in the Corps?
Maybe. You will decide after your first two years in the Corps if you want to follow a military career path. If you choose not to, you can remain in the corps and band and will be considered a "drill and ceremony" cadet.
6. Will I be able to do well in classes and be in the Aggie Band?
Yes. Ample class and study time is provided and required as part of your membership in the band. There is also academic help and tutoring available through the band units and the Corps.
7. When does the Aggie Band practice?
The Texas Aggie Band rehearses Monday through Friday, 7:00 – 8:30 AM. Indoor rehearsals are held in the Music Activities Center and drill rehearsals take place on the drill field located adjacent to the band hall.
8. Are scholarships available for being in the Aggie Band?
Not directly through the band but there are many scholarships available through the Corps of Cadets.
9. What is the difference between the outfits?
There is no official difference. The personalities within the units make the difference. Plan to attend a Spend the Night with the Corps to see which one is for you. Check here for more information.
10. Can I be in the Aggie Band and other student activities?
Yes. In fact you are encouraged to do so.

1. Do I have to be in the Corps of Cadets to be in a concert ensemble?
No. Each of the concert ensembles are open to all students of the University.
2. What do I do about auditions for a concert ensemble?
See our Auditions information
3. Are there instruments available for my use?
Maybe. We encourage you to use your own instrument but certain instruments are available when needed.
4. Will I have time to be in a concert ensemble with my heavy course load?
Yes. Depending on which band you are in, you will only meet two or three times a week. We do not do sectionals, extra rehearsals etc.... You will find band takes far less time at A&M than you are used to in high school.
5. Are there Scholarships available for playing in the concert ensembles?
No. However, with A&M's "flat tuition" policy, it will not cost you any extra tuition to be in the band.
6. Are there winds and percussion in the String Orchestra?
When full orchestra works are performed, wind and percussion players are selected from enrolled members of the University Bands.

1. Do I have to be in the Corps of Cadets to be in a jazz ensemble?
No. Membership in each of the jazz ensembles is open to all students of the University.
2. What do I do about auditions for the jazz bands?
See our Audition Information
3. Are instruments available for my use?
Maybe. We encourage you to use your own instrument but certain instruments are available when needed.
4. Will I have time to be in the band with my heavy course load?
Yes. Depending on which band you are in, you will only meet two or three times a week. We do not do sectionals, extra rehearsals etc.... You will find band takes far less time at A&M than you are used to in high school.
5. Are there scholarships available for playing in the band?
No. However, with A&M's "flat tuition" policy, it will not cost you any extra tuition to be in the band.

1. When do I audition for the orchestra?
For incoming freshman and transfer students, Orchestra auditions take place beginning two weeks prior to the fall semester. For current A&M students, auditions take place toward the end of each semester prior to course registration.
2. What do I play for the audition?
See our Audition information.
3. Can woodwind, brass and percussion players sign up for orchestra?
The woodwind, brass and percussion players are taken from the university bands when the orchestra performs full orchestra literature. To perform with the orchestras, these students must first complete an audition and join one of the concert bands. Students volunteer for the orchestra and are taken based on their placement in the university bands.
4. Are there instruments available for my use?
The orchestra has a number of string basses which are available for checkout at no charge. A very limited number of the other string instruments are available for emergency use on a first come, first served basis.
5. Will I have time to be in a concert ensemble with my heavy course load?
Yes. The orchestras only meet for 2 1⁄2 hours a week and have few outside rehearsals to prepare the full orchestra literature. We do not have outside of class sectionals. You will find orchestra takes far less time at A&M than you are used to in high school.
6. Are there scholarships available for playing in the orchestras?
No. Students play in the orchestra at A&M on a volunteer basis. Scholarships should be pursued at the local level or through the college the student will be entering.
Frequently Asked Questions
Century Singers
Singing Cadets
Women’s Chorus
Where do the Century Singers rehearse and perform?
Rehearsals are held in the Choral Rehearsal Hall in the Music Activities Center, 801 George Bush Drive, College Station. Our big yearly performances (e.g. the Holiday Concert and Spring Concert) are usually held in Rudder Auditorium on the Texas A&M campus. Our other yearly concert, Century Singers Showcase, is typically held off campus. Past venues for Showcase have been A&M United Methodist Church and The Brazos Center. Every Fall we also collaborate with the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra to perform a major work. These concerts are usually held in Rudder Auditorium as well.
Do I have to have previous choir experience?
No experience is required! Many of our members sang in choir in high school, but for some members, this is their first choir experience. An audition is required to test your singing and reading ability, but our singers encompass a wide range of skills and experience.
Is Century Singers a registered course?
Students have the option of registering for Century Singers as a course which counts as a 1 hour elective credit. Students are not required to register for the course in order to be members of the organization.
Do I have to audition?
Yes! Everyone must audition to be considered for membership in any of our choirs. Please see our audition page for more info.
What if I can’t read music?
We encourage everyone to audition, regardless of their note-reading ability. You might be exactly who we need, so don’t let your fear of reading music stop you from auditioning.
Does joining Century Singers cost money?
All members of Century Singers are required to pay member dues each semester, as is the case with most student organizations. These dues cover the cost of sheet music and other expenses associated with the organization.
I have a schedule conflict with only one of the scheduled weekly rehearsals. Can I still be a member?
No. Rehearsals are mandatory, and missing one rehearsal every week will eventually add up to a number of absences that would require withdrawal from the organization.
What types of music do the Century Singers sing?
The Century Singers perform a wide variety of music, from classical pieces to contemporary pop songs. Every year we collaborate with the Brazos Valley Symphony to perform a major work for choir and orchestra. Past works we have performed with the BVSO have been Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, Mozart’s Requiem, Carmina Burana, and Haydn’s Creation.
What kind of time commitment is required for being in Century Singers?
The things to keep in mind when considering your time commitment as a Century Singer are 1) our weekly rehearsals, 2) performances, 3) social events, and 4) tours. We rehearse roughly 5 hours per week. We perform at least 4 concerts per year, not including tour performances. Spring tour takes place over one weekend (Friday thru Sunday) typically in April. The organization holds many social events and fundraising events throughout the semester, including regular weekly social activities and a retreat each semester.
How many members are in the choirs?
Century Singers typically consists of around 80 members.
What does a typical performance schedule look like for the Century Singers?
October – Century Singers Showcase Concert
November – Concert with the Brazos Valley Symphony Orchestra (BVSO)
December – Spirit of Aggieland Holiday Concert
March – Possible special performance
April – Spring Tour (weekend)
May – Spring Concert
Is Corps Membership Required?
No, corps membership is not required to be in the Singing Cadets, although we do have some corps members. In 1963, when Texas A&M allowed non-regs to attend school, the Singing Cadets changed its membership requirements to allow any male student be a part of the Singing Cadets.
How Much Time Does Singing Cadets Require?
All rehearsals are mandatory. We rehearse Monday and Wednesday from 3:00 to 3:50 and Tuesday and Thursday from 3:55 to 5:10. If you need help changing your schedule, let us know and we will be happy to help you.
Is Money a Factor for Singing Cadets?
No! All of our tours are paid for by the Singing Cadets, Association of Former Students, and by private donors.
What Do I Have to Prepare for Auditions?
Nothing. You will sing "My Country, 'Tis of Thee" with the music in front of you. You will also do a small bit of sight reading - this is not something to be worried about, it is just used to see where you are musically.
What is the Purpose of the Singing Cadets?
"The purpose of the Singing Cadets shall be to enhance the public relations of Texas A&M University though musical presentations as deemed appropriate by the director."
This includes a 10 day tour in between the Fall and Spring semesters, three weekend tours in the Spring semester to the Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston areas, as well as national and international tours.
What are other important opportunities for Singing Cadets?
We participate in as many on campus service events we can. We have also had the opportunity to sing for important people such as President Obama, both former Presidents Bush, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, University Officials, and most importantly, Aggie Moms!
For more information about the Singing Cadets, please visit our History Page.
Performances have included:
• International Performances (every 3 years): Australia in Summer 2004, South America in Summer 2007, South Africa in 2010, and China in 2013
• Ten Day Winter Tour of Texas and the surrounding states (annually)
• Three Weekend Tours in the Spring to Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio (annually)
• First Yell (annually)
• Parents' Weekend Concert (annually)
• Performances for current and former Presidents of the United States
• Miss Texas USA
• Aggie Football Games
• Houston Astros Opening Day
Where does the Women’s Chorus rehearse and perform?
Rehearsals are held in the Choral Rehearsal Hall in the Music Activities Center, 801 George Bush Drive, College Station. Our big yearly performances (e.g. the Holiday Concert and Spring Concert) are usually held in Rudder Auditorium on the Texas A&M campus.
What kind of performance opportunities does the Women’s Chorus have each year?
In addition to the Holiday and Spring concerts, the Women’s Chorus participates in the Texas Collegiate Women’s Choral Festival with other universities every Fall where they work with a professional clinician and sing a concert at the end of the day. The Women’s Chorus does “Birthday Grams” as a fundraiser throughout the year as well as “Singing Valentines” every February. Every year, members of Women’s Chorus can audition to be in the small ensemble “One-A-Chord” which gets opportunities to represent Women’s Chorus by performing at various events in the community and at our concerts.
Does the Women’s Chorus travel?
Each year during the spring tour, we usually perform in a different part of Texas. And every three years, the Women’s Chorus gets the opportunity to travel internationally. Besides these scheduled events, all of our choirs occasionally travel off campus or out of town to perform for special events.
Do I have to have previous choir experience?
No experience is required! Many of our members sang in choir in high school, but for some members, this is their first choir experience. An audition is required to test your singing and reading ability, but our singers encompass a wide range of skills and experience.
Is Women’s Chorus a registered course?
Students now have the option of registering for Women’s Chorus as a course which counts as a 1 hour elective credit! Students are not required to register for the course in order to be members of the organization.
Do I have to audition?
Yes! Everyone must audition to be considered for membership in any of our choirs. Please see our audition page for more info.
What if I can’t read music?
We encourage everyone to audition, regardless of their note-reading ability. You might be exactly who we need, so don’t let your fear of reading music stop you from auditioning.
Does joining Women’s Chorus cost money?
Members of Women’s Chorus are required to pay member dues each semester, as is the case with most student organizations. These dues cover the cost of sheet music and other expenses associated with the organization.
What types of music does the Women’s Chorus sing?
The Women’s Chorus performs a wide variety of music, from sacred or secular classical pieces to contemporary pop songs.
What kind of time commitment is required for being in Women’s Chorus?
The things to keep in mind when considering your time commitment as a Women’s Chorus are 1) our weekly rehearsals, 2) performances, 3) social events, and 4) tours. We rehearse roughly 5 hours per week. We perform at least 3 concerts per year, not including tour performances. Spring tour takes place over one weekend (Friday thru Sunday) typically in March or April. The organization holds many social events and fundraising events throughout the semester, including regular weekly social activities and occasional retreats. Attendance at rehearsals and performances is mandatory. Members may incur a predetermined number of absences before it affects their standing in the organization, as per the constitution.
How many members are in the choirs?
Women’s Chorus typically consists of between 40 and 60 members.
What does a typical performance schedule look like for the Women’s Chorus?
October – Texas Collegiate Women’s Choral Festival
December – Spirit of Aggieland Holiday Concert
March or April – Spring Tour (weekend)
May – Spring Concert
Additional performances are usually added throughout the year. We’ve been requested to perform for Aggie Mom’s Clubs, the Raindrop Turkish House, the George Bush Library, etc!